Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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NSERC chair programs for inclusion in science and engineering

Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering program
The Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering (CWSE) program is regional—with one Chair for each of the Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario, Prairie and British Columbia regions. The goal of this program is to increase the participation of women in science and engineering and to provide role models for women considering careers in these fields.
Chairs for Inclusion in Science and Engineering (pilot)
The Chairs for Inclusion in Science and Engineering program is a two-year pilot whose goal is to support a team of researchers in the Atlantic region who contribute to a culture of inclusion in the natural sciences and engineering fields by catalyzing networks of supporters of this work, promoting equity, diversity and inclusion in the research ecosystem, and undertaking activities to enhance awareness and understanding of barriers and inequities faced by members of underrepresented groups in these fields.